guid = HexEncoding.ToString((byte[])dt.Rows[0]["GUID"]);
public static string ToString(byte[] bytes)
string hexString = "";
for (int i = 0; i <>
Guid guid = ((Guid)dt.Rows[0]["GUID"]);
string strGuid = guid.toString();
guid = HexEncoding.ToString((byte[])dt.Rows[0]["GUID"]);
public static string ToString(byte[] bytes)
string hexString = "";
for (int i = 0; i <>
Guid guid = ((Guid)dt.Rows[0]["GUID"]);
string strGuid = guid.toString();
, uniform naming convention (UNC), such as \\Server\Volume\File.ext
, and Long UNC or UNCW, such as \\?\C:\File.ext
or \\?\UNC\Server\Volume\File.ext
.One of the differences between LFS and UNC versus Long UNC is that LFS and UNC are limited, depending on the Windows version and/or individual API, to either 260 bytes in ACP format or 260 codepoints in UTF-16 format (or 260 characters in UCS-2 format). Long UNC is limited to 30,000+ codepoints in UTF-16 format (or 30,000+ characters in UCS-2 format) and must be in Unicode.
ACP stands for "ANSI Code Page", which is somewhat of a misnomer since none of the Windows code pages are actually ANSI compliant. The Windows operating system specifies a particular code page as the ACP, which then is used as the default / fallback code page for the 'A' suffixed path APIs. The ACP routines have the shortcoming in that they cannot represent all file paths that are representable in the operating system; they can only represent the character subset of Unicode UCS-2 paths which have characters in the particular code page's character set.
Blogger ate up my HTML and won't show the character formatting:
Single Quote = & #39;
Double Quote = & #34;
Section = & sect;
Function CleanQuotesToHtml(strContent As String) As String
strContent = Replace(strContent, "'", "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, ChrW(8216), "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, ChrW(8217), "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, """", "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, ChrW(8220), "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, ChrW(8221), "")
strContent = Replace(strContent, Chr(167), "")
CleanQuotesToHtml = strContent
End Function