Monday, June 16, 2008

Display Server Information on the Desktop

Background Info is a small application you place in your StartUp folder to display server information on your desktop. It comes in handy when you manage a number of servers through Remote Desktop, and you need to know which server you have remoted into (it can be confusing sometimes).

Here is my sample BgInfo configuration:

<Host Name> SERVER (User: <User Name>)

IP Addresses: <IP Address>

Free Space: <Free Space>

Volumes: <Volumes>

Memory: <Memory>

OS Version: <OS Version>
Service Pack: <Service Pack>

MAC Address: <MAC Address>

Note: It is probably best to place the .exe in a location like C: and a shortcut to the .exe in the Startup folder. Save out your configuration (bgi). Then you can add the parameters to the shortcut as:

C:\Bginfo.exe C:\bginfo.bgi /SILENT /timer 0

This will start the application without the timer window and shut off all error messages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

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