Thursday, August 21, 2008

HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized

Look in your Web.config for:

<authorization> <deny users="?"/> </authorization>

This could be causing the error.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Telerik with VS 2008 - Working with 2.0 Framework

I am having a problem getting Telerik to work with the .NET 2.0 framework in Visual Studio 2008. After everything was set up correctly, the final solution was to RE-START VISUAL STUDIO! RE-START VISUAL STUDIO!

Here is the properties of the DLL in our Library folder which we reference:

Originally, the Telerik installation only installed the 3.5 components. I unchecked all of the 3.5 components and created a new tab in the Toolbox. Then I Browsed to the Telerik DLL above and the result was that these components were added.

When I drag a control onto an ASPX page, this is the error I receive:

Here is the Web References:

Here is the Build settings:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

File has invalid value ">>>>>>> .mine".
Illegal characters in path.

This error is caused by the Subversion "Resolved..." function.

Delete the /obj folder in each project that is complaining and re-compile.



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cannot update project reference. Source project not available.


1. Right click over web site project

2. select property pages

3. inside category References search the project for (unavalable)

4. select and remove those references



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